Savvy DIY Tips for Your HVAC and Plumbing Maintenance

Advanced Heating as Your HVAC and Plumbing Guide

Whether it’s your trusted AC system that’s been your best friend during those hot, unbearable summer days or your steadfast furnace that fends off the chilling winter nights, it’s crucial for every homeowner to understand some basic maintenance tips for their HVAC and plumbing systems. Doing so will not only keep your systems functioning optimally but can also save you from unnecessary service calls.

Understanding Your HVAC System

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be a certified technician to handle some aspects of your HVAC system. For instance, simple tasks such as swapping out your HVAC filters every 30-90 days, depending on the filter type, can extend the life and efficiency of your system. A clean filter enhances the air quality in your home and, at the same time, takes off excessive strain from the unit.

Maintenance Tips for AC and Furnace

Also on the list of easy DIY tasks is the inspection of the outdoor unit. A quick glance every few weeks to ensure that there’s no debris, leaves, or dirt can prevent clogging of your unit. The same attention should be given to your furnace. Regular check-ups for any unusual noise, smell, or if it’s working less efficiently, are signs that your furnace might need service. If such signs persist, don’t hesitate to call a professional to avoid the risk of a complete breakdown of your furnace.

Basic Plumbing Tips Homeowners Should Know

Now onto plumbing, a sphere that terrifies the majority of homeowners but shouldn’t. Regular checks for leaky faucets or showerheads can save you gallons of water and a hefty utility bill. A simple trick is to use food coloring in your toilet tank. If the color seeps into the bowl without flushing it, there’s a leak somewhere in the system which needs to be addressed.

In conclusion, remember to not take on any task that’s outside of your knowledge sphere or safety zone. Advanced HVAC & Plumbing is always ready to provide professional, swift, and affordable AC repair and furnace service when things are too hot, too cold, or just right!
