Daily Grind at Total Automation Concepts

Morning Rush

The day kicks off early at Total Automation Concepts, Inc. as the team gears up for a busy schedule. Today, I’m assigned to an Energy Management Service project in Chicago. After grabbing my equipment and a quick briefing, I hit the road to beat the morning traffic.

On-Site Challenges

Upon arrival, I meet with the client to discuss their energy consumption concerns. Their Building Integration System needs a thorough assessment. As I inspect the various components, I identify a few areas for improvement:

  • Outdated lighting controls leading to excessive energy usage
  • Inefficient HVAC scheduling resulting in unnecessary cooling/heating
  • Lack of real-time Building Information Modeling (BIM) data integration

Innovative Solutions

Back at the office, I collaborate with our team to develop a comprehensive plan. We propose installing a state-of-the-art Lighting Control System in Downers Grove to optimize illumination levels and reduce energy waste. Additionally, we recommend upgrading to a smart Building Automation System (BAS) to centralize control and monitoring of all building operations.

Closing the Day

After presenting our proposal to the client and addressing their concerns, we secure the project. As the sun sets, I wrap up the day feeling accomplished, knowing that our solutions will contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient building.